De Doelen, Rotterdam
De Doelen, Rotterdam, is located within 2 minutes walking distance from Rotterdam Central Station. The Rotterdam Marriott Hotel is connected with the Conference Centre, so all facilities needed are at hand.
De Doelen is not only the cultural focal point of Rotterdam, but it also features state of the art convention facilities and services, with the needs of the organiser and the delegate in mind.
De Doelen’s exceptional appeal lies in its dual function as international concert hall and conference centre. This is underscored by the building’s design: the remarkable 1960’s functionalist architecture of the original concert hall contrasts beautifully with the conference centre’s more dynamic and modern design. For the International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs & traffic Safety in 2022 we have reserved the Willem Burger Complex, the conference centre of De Doelen.
Address: Schouwburgplein 50, 3012 CL Rotterdam
De Doelen